PepperGreen Farm Caters for All

Milli and Josie went down to PepperGreen Farm Catering and chatted to Angela Cope... What do you actually do at PepperGreen Farm Catering? We do catering...

Sunshine Bendigo

Sunshine Bendigo is a kind-hearted volunteer community group. Sunshine Bendigo is currently located in Daly Street, though soon to be moving into Golden Square...

Police Matters

I have been curious about what it takes to be a Police Officer and what the job actually involves so I went down to...

Is this a family member of yours?

Every year around the time of Anzac Day and then again near Rememberance Day lots of images and words fill screens and pages about...

Whipstick Ward Update: Winter 2019

Ava Monro & Porsha Kalstrom recently met with Councillor James Williams to discuss what has been happening in Eaglehawk recently! Canterbury Park This year the council...

ESC Energy Breakthrough Update

The Eaglehawk Secondary College Energy Breakthrough team trains 4 times a week. We train at school on a Wednesday and Thursday, and we train...

Mary Poppins Returns is Super…

Reviewed by KJ Avers Mary Poppins Returns was a mix of animation and real life filming, which is a wondrous combination if done right. This story...

Kids in the Kitchen: Roast Vegetable Wraps

Roast Vegetable Wraps Students enhanced their knife slicing and dicing skills in foods class this term at Eaglehawk Secondary College and made some delicious wraps! Ingredients...

A Healthy Lifestyle

A HEALTHY LUNCHBOX What does a healthy lunch box look like? I think a healthy lunch box is filled with all different kinds of fruits and...

Eaglehawk FC Soccer Club Strong & Proud

BY AVA MUNRO FC Eaglehawk was founded in 1974 as Eaglehawk Soccer Club. Ava Munro spoke with Ben Pengelly - President & club stalwart: What are your...

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