Dragon Mania Legends (or DML for short), is a fantasy game developed by Gameloft and it was initially released on the 8th January 2015. DML is set in the islands of Dragolandia, It has many features which include battles and breeding from common to legendary different hybrids.

This game gives everyone the opportunity to participate in multiple events which grant prizes such as limited dragons, gold, food, gems and much more.

DML has a tutorial which helps you learn the basics of the game. It explains how to breed, battling and a lot more which will help you progress throughout the game.

This game is mainly about dragons, refurnishing and decorating their home. The purpose of the game is to develop basic dragons to an advanced level and more chances of breeding rarer hybrids.

The game starts off slow but as you level up to 20 or more, it gets really addictive, especially clans, plus more opportunities to breed more hybrids of different elements. I never run out of things to do because major events are very exciting and I get very determined to be part of what is going to happen next. The platforms you can play on are Android, Apple and Microsoft Windows. There are mostly ads on Android and Apple, but not as much as on Windows. The graphics on this game are very detailed.

I recommend this game for people who likes dragons. This is a cute and adorable game.

Review by Tish Young


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