Over two years, in 2020 and 2021, St. Liborius staff have undertaken Professional Development in the Berry St. Education Model. The Berry St. Education Model (BSEM) is a research based pedagogy and provides a whole school approach to ensuring that every student has access to the curriculum and reinforces that school is a positive place where they can learn with confidence.
In 2020 we completed modules on ‘Body’ where we learned about stress physiology and how that affects student learning, and how we can use mindfulness and calming strategies to ensure each student is present, centered and ready to learn.
We also looked at ‘Relationships’ and the importance of how we interact with each student each day to ensure that school is a place of unconditional positivity for them.
This year we have focused on ‘Stamina’ and ‘Engagement’ where we delved into emotional intelligence including fixed vs growth mindsets and resilience.
At St. Liborius, the skills and understanding that we have learned have enabled us to improve our professional practice, as well as gaining a greater understanding of student’s varying emotions and learning styles.
This professional development really complements the elements of student learning we already have in place and will ensure positive student outcomes continue to be delivered at St. Liborius.