Over the past 10 years, CFA firefighters responded to around 16,000 residential fires.
Of these residential fires, more than 560 resulted in a causality (fatality or serious injury).
Smoke alarm tips:
• We are urging all Victorians to install interconnected smoke alarms in all bedrooms, hallways and living areas.
• New data reveals most fatal house fires start in living and sleeping areas.
• Data also tells us a concerning number of Victorians still do not have smoke alarms in these locations.
• Interconnected smoke alarms work so that when one smoke alarm activates, all alarms will sound.
• We also recommend you install interconnected smoke alarms powered by a 10-year lithium battery.
• Test your smoke alarm monthly to ensure it is working.
• If you have replaceable batteries in a smoke alarm, they should be changed yearly
• Smoke alarm units should be replaced every 10 years, regardless of the type
• Smoke alarms should be cleaned at least once a year with a duster or vacuum cleaner to remove particles that will affect smoke alarm performance.